The­re are mil­li­ons of ways on how to com­po­se good weight­lif­ting work­out pro­grams. Some coa­ches stay true to few basic plans on such trai­ning. They sim­ply tweak them to be fit for dif­fe­rent skills and expe­ri­ence levels. But we are sti­cking to qui­te a dif­fe­rent plan. We put our focus on inten­si­ty (actu­al weights) pre­scrip­ti­ons for any spe­ci­fic power­lif­ter.  I per­so­nal­ly am sure the­re are times when both approa­ches are app­li­ca­ble, even wit­hin the same work­out ses­si­on…

Is Prescription Working?

The­re is a basic, first situa­ti­on when it’s not a good idea to do inten­si­ty pre­scrip­ti­ons. That’s when the lif­ter is a new­bie. And the­re are two real­ly simp­le rea­sons for that. First is, that such power­lif­ters eit­her don’t have 1RMs to base the inten­si­ty pre­scrip­ti­ons on or the 1RMs they have are not cor­rect. The lat­ter rea­son occurs due to a mix of mul­ti­ple fac­tors.  Such as limi­ted tech­ni­cal abi­li­ty, limi­ted mobi­li­ty, poor neu­ro­lo­gi­cal effi­ci­en­cy, and the weak power of will. Second­ly, new power­lif­ters usual­ly pro­gress very quick­ly to the next rou­ti­nes of the


Useful Advice

The next situa­ti­on is in a pro­gram in which the trai­ner wants the power­lif­ter to work­out as inten­se as pos­si­ble on any given ses­si­on. This may mean aspi­ring to a sin­gle maxi­mal or near-maxi­mal set (perhaps with sub­se­quent back-off sets). Then lifter’s hit­ting a pre­scri­bed num­ber of sets of the maxi­mal num­ber of weights per set. In such a situa­ti­on it’s always bet­ter to lis­ten to the coach’s per­so­nal gui­d­ance. No one except your trai­ner will be able to intui­tively figu­re out what’s best for your work­out rou­ti­ne right now.

Or your coach may be the one who pre­fers you to go by feel, rather than using any pre­scrip­ti­on work­out weights and inten­si­ties. Samu­el Hamil­ton

A third situa­ti­on inclu­des few fac­tors that can make inten­si­ty pre­scrip­ti­ons obscu­re as well. Like when you stumb­le into spe­ci­fic exer­ci­ses for which 1RMs don’t exist at all.  May­be you run into exer­ci­ses for which 1RMs are not pos­si­ble or not advi­s­able. Also, the­re can be such a rou­ti­nes, for which 1RMs have not been tes­ted yet. Thus, they are assu­med to be incor­rect due to that. Or your coach may be the one who pre­fers you to go by feel, rather than using any pre­scrip­ti­on work­out weights and inten­si­ties. In such a coach’s opi­ni­on the degree of effort or speed requi­res the inten­si­ty to be deter­mi­ned by gut fee­ling. As well as by mea­su­ring your spe­ci­fic shape, day to day.

Final­ly, some kinds of work­outs are bet­ter to have at least some detail­ed plan laid out. Like, e.g. when the weights should incre­a­se over the cour­se of 5 weeks and should be maxed out each time, etc. Exer­ci­ses like squats, good mornings, stiff leg­ged dead­lifts, etc. often fall into this cate­go­ry.

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